Setting shared goals and objectives
Develop a Theory of Change
Developing a Theory of Change specifically for the collaboration activity helps you think through the need you are trying to collectively address, the changes you want to make and how you plan to achieve these changes in a systematic way. This can help you inform and refine your shared goals and objectives.The Theory of Change outlines the current state, the outcomes and the end goal. It can be the roadmap for developing a campaign or implementation strategy and can inform the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework.
This would be separate to individual organization's own Theory of Change, instead focusing on the collaborative aspects of the project. For smaller scale collaborations, a Theory of Change might not be necessary, and a statement of purpose could suffice.
A partner co-creation workshop can be an effective means, outlining the process for systemic change, based on the agreed goal and objectives.
Consider how young people can input into the development of the Theory of Change, ensuring their voices and insights directly influence the change process.
The output of this process should be approved by all partners on a shared document, which can serve as a reference point throughout the collaboration.