Welcome to the Collaboration Hub
The Collaboration Hub is an initiative set up to foster and support greater collaboration between partners that are focused on gender norms change, especially those that focus on young people and use media to achieve their goals.
The Hub has developed a Collaboration Framework to act as a practical guide for partnerships. It sets out a process for setting up, managing and promoting partnerships, and provides resources for partners to use at different stages of this process.
The Hub was established following research with stakeholders that indicated a strong desire for collaboration, but uncertainty around some aspects of how to manage partnerships and get the best out of them.
Based on the belief that a cross-sectoral approach with multiple channels and players working in a co-ordinated way is necessary to achieve shifts in social norms, the Hub aims to further collaboration for transformative norms change.
"It's a better, smarter way to work. You’re better when bringing together collective capability and experience. It means organisations can focus on their areas of strength, if you have brought the right players together."
Youth Powered Ecosystem for Adolescent HealthWho is this for?
The Hub uses examples and insights from contributors on gender norms change through media in Nigeria.
These principles can apply to any societal issue collaboration, anywhere. It outlines key steps for collaborative projects but doesn’t cover implementation or evaluation specifics.
It’s intended for individuals or organisations aiming to collaborate with diverse partners to amplify their collective impact.